About Us

Our Vision

“Our Vision is to See A Zambia where all people have access to the Bible in a language and form relevant to them” 

Our Mission

“Our Mission is To translate, publish and distribute the Holy Bible at a price people can afford” 

Who we are

The Bible Society of Zambia is a non denominational Christian Organisation whose main mandate is to make available scriptures in languages and formats people can easily understand and at affordable prices

Background to the Bible Society of Zambia

From its small beginnings in 1804 as an international Christian body the Bible Society is today one of the largest Christian Missions in the world working in many countries. The Bible Society of Zambia is a member of the global fellowship of the United Bible Societies (UBS) which consist of over 100 national Bible Societies. The New Testament was published in 1901 and the first full Bible in 1905.
The work of the Bible Society of Zambia (BSZ) started in 1966 in Lusaka with the aim of fulfilling the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. In 1964 the National Advisory council was set up, and with the ratification of its constitution in October 1974, it became officially an associate member of the United Bible Societies (UBS). Two founding members, Mr. Safeli Chileshe and Rev. F. Macpherson had close association with the work for many years. Since then, the work has continued to grow and benefit many Zambian citizens.


Guiding Principles

  • Belief and firm commitment to the Holy Bible as the living word of God
  • Respecting the input of identified key stakeholders of like belief and values
  • Working with others in consultation and mutual support for the Bible cause
  • Be a transparent Bible Society in all business transactions
  • An accountable and good steward of that which is entrusted to the organization
  • Seeking to deliver exceptional quality services to promote a culture of  efficiency and effectiveness in the work of spreading the gospel
  • Respect for all
  • Prayerfulness