
Bible Society of Zambia, Participates in International World AIDS Day Celebration

Good morning friends and family in the Bible Society. Today is 1st December and commemorated as World Aids Day. This year's theme is Equalise, Closing The Gaps . The Bible says "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are...


Bible Society of Zambia, conducts Nsenga Bible Review Workshop

The Bible Society of Zambia, is conducting a Nsenga Bible Translation review workshop, in Petauke District, Eastern Province. The Workshop was officially Opened by Senior Chief Kalindawalo, the senior chief of the Nsenga Speaking People, All the reviewers have been drawn from various locations within the Nsenga speaking communities Nsenga Bible,...


Hope for orphans, Raphael’s Story

Raphael Chota is a 14 year old orphaned boy residing in one of  Zambia's poorest communities called Bauleni compound in Lusaka District. After passing his grade Seven examinations with flying colors in 2019, Raphael's celebration was cut short after his guardian,who is his uncle, told him that he could not afford...

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