What your contribution will do
Why you should become a Member
The Bible Society of Zambia is registered as a Society owned by members.
You will also benefit from other programs run by the Society.
Above all, with your contribution you will become an important partner with the Society in fulfilling the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ
(Mathew 28:18-20).
People who have total belief in the authority of the Word of God in their lives and in the lives of all people.
Any Christian above the age of 16
Every individual Christian
Church and corporate organizations who have a desire to serve God by supporting the ministry of the Bible Society
How you can help
Pray for the work of the Bible Society
Educate Churches and individuals in their areas about Bible Society work and needs.
Help recruit more members for Bible Society of Zambia
Market or distribute Scriptures on behalf of the Bible Society by way of agency
Take part in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and elect members of the Board of Directors
Participate in the activities of the BSZ