What we do



Bible Translation is the core business of the Bible Society of Zambia and the translation is done from the widely accepted texts of the source languages such as Hebrew,Aramaic and Greek.The goal is to ensure that all Zambian people have access to the Bible in their own heart language.Translation of the Bible is an expensive undertaking which demands exceptional dedication and resources;as such it is only achievable by partnering with other Bible Societies through United Bible Societies,other Bible translation agencies,the Zambian local Churches and the target language communities.

From Inception,this partnership has enabled the Bible Society of Zambia produce complete Bibles in 16 Zambian languages and New testaments in 3 languages. This means 19 languages have scriptures translated by the Bible Society of Zambia. Translation and revision in 8 Zambian languages is in progress.


The Bible Society is involved in the publication of scriptures in different formats such as print,audio and braille. This ensures that the scriptural needs of different groups of people are met. In order to ensure high quality most of our publication is done outside Zambia mostly in Korea and China.


The Bible Society of Zambia distributes Bibles through various channels. These include;

1. Bookshops at Bible House and Chilenje outlet

2. Churches

3. Bible vendors

4. Stationery shops